I don't recall setting goals and resolutions this time last year. I had clearly registered for the Big Sur International Marathon. The goal of finishing accompanies something like that.
This year I ran two half marathons and, much to my surprise, two marathons.
In training I tried programs that scared me. I'm glad that I did. Once again, I showed myself that I can do things that appear near impossible.
I did not PR in my half marathons, but I did not hit personal worsts either. I, however, did better at SF 2011 than I did at Nike Women's Half in 2010. And SF was hillier! While not a technical PR, I'm glad that I performed as I did. At the Big Sur Half, I ran my second faster time ever there having had to hold back for CIM.
I did PR at CIM, improving my Big Sur International Marathon time by 26:24. That felt amazing.
I logged, as of this morning, 1149 miles for the year. I'm proud of the rest and recovery that I have enjoyed this December. I feel like a proper runner obeying the gods of rest and recovery.
It was a good year for me.
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