05 May 2011

The Difficult Stretch

Today was the first day post-marathon that I didn't experience too much muscle soreness. I probably could have gone out for a very slow three miles to start to ease my body back into running mode.

But today was quite hot. I believe it hit the high 90s.

We are hitting the difficult stretch of the year: May through August. My mileage drops to abysmal levels during these months.

Consider what I am up against: the conclusion of the school year, vacations, heat, triple digit heat, stay at home motherhood, and the beginning of the school year. None of these are particularly conducive to running.

I'm toying with the idea of registering for the San Francisco Half Marathon at the end of July just to get me forced into a training mode to keep me running through those summer obstacles. But dropping the money on the race and the hotel room seems like a waste. Why does money need to be on the line for me to buckle down and train?

The summer struggle is reason #237 why I have a hard time identifying as a runner.


  1. In the summer, I train at 5am in the cool part of the day for my Fall Marathon. I die in the heat!

    How about the little 2 miler Udder Run? I like to toe the line about once a month! SF is great fun...Good luck! :)

  2. I'm thinking about it. There is a hometown 5 mile on July 4th I might do. We'll see.

    I hate the heat. I don't understand how so many people can wear SO MUCH clothing to run a marathon. It is surprising!
